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Protecting People and Profit

Democratic Republic of Congo

Overall country Risk Rating: 


C -There are consistent violent acts occurring interspersed by periods of calm. Parts of the country are a war zone. There is a high corruption risk affecting all personnel. HSE risk is high as there is no regulation or HSE culture in country. The country scored 154/177 on the corruption perception index, with a score of -1.3830 on corruption control.(Point estimates range from -2.5 to 2.5. Higher values correspond to better governance outcomes)


Genvisec advises advise against all travel to eastern and north eastern DRC. The only exceptions to this are the towns of Bukavu and Goma, which we advise against all but essential travel. We advise against all but essential travel to the remainder of the DRC.


On 2 June 2015 small arms and heavy weapons fire was heard across the city of Goma. Reports indicate that most of the gunfire was related to an incident at a military base at the airport, but there were also shots fired in the city centre and at a vegetable market close to the airport. You should remain vigilant at all times.


Demonstrations can quickly turn violent in the DRC. In January 2015 there were violent demonstrations in Kinshasa in response to an electoral reform bill being considered by parliament. Troops were deployed to the streets to maintain order. Many schools, shops and businesses were closed and movement around the city was restricted.


Credible reports indicate that between 5 and 30 people were killed as a result of the violence, including 2 members of the police. There were also reports of violent demonstrations, looting and general unrest in other areas of the country, including in Goma, Bukavu, Mbandaka, Lubumbashi and Bas-Congo. There was also shelling around the border with Rwanda and explosions in the town of Gisenyi on the Rwandan side of the border. You should avoid travelling around alone and at night.


The security situation in eastern DRC, including Goma, remains unstable. 


There were shooting incidents in Kinshasa on 30 December 2013 around the national TV and radio station RTNC, the airport and the main army barracks and Ministry of Defence at Ngaliema. There were also reports of fighting in Lubumbashi, Katanga Province and in Kindu, Maniema Province. The situation in Kinshasa now appears to be returning to normal but it remains fragile and the security forces are likely to remain on alert.


In Katanga Province there was unrest and reports of fighting on 7 January 2014. The situation remains tense across the province, particularly around the town of Pweto. You are therefore advised to exercise caution.



Be alert to the risk of street crime and armed robbery at all times. Foreigners are at particular risk of street robbery in Kinshasa, especially near hotels and supermarkets in the centre of town. Robberies by gangs of street children are increasingly common and becoming more aggressive. There have been reports of an increase in criminal activity in North and South Kivu specifically targeting the international community.


Don’t walk in the streets alone at any time. Avoid displaying valuables and cash. Use a hotel safe if possible and keep copies of documents, including your passport separately.


Some gangs use girls to lure people into traps; others promise cut-price gold and diamonds, or pose as police or security forces. There is also a risk of arbitrary arrests of foreigners by security authorities who demand payment for release.


Local Travel


The security situation in the wider area of eastern DRC including Goma remains unstable. As well as civil unrest sometimes leading to anger at the international community, a risk of criminal acts remains, and attacks by armed men on NGO compounds have taken place.


The border crossings between Rwanda and the DRC at Gisenyi/Goma and Cyangugu/Bukavu are currently open between 06:00 and 18:00. Both borders are liable to short notice closure and you should not rely on them as a point of exit from DRC. If you are crossing regularly between Rwanda and the DRC you may encounter immigration difficulties if you have not regularised your residency status. There have been a number of security incidents in Lubumbashi and surrounding areas of Katanga. On 23 March 2013, the armed group Mai Mai Kata Katanga entered Lubumbashi and clashed with security forces. In late June 2013, they threatened to march on Lubumbashi.


On 7 January 2014 there were reports of fighting in Katanga Province, and the situation remains tense, particularly around the town of Pweto. You are advised to exercise particular caution if travelling in Katanga.


You should be prepared to move at short notice or lock down for a period of time. In the event of escalating tensions and civil unrest, commercial flights may be suspended and borders closed. Keep your travel documents up to date. Those who did not have valid travel documents faced great difficulties leaving the DRC following the fall of Goma in November 2012.


The lack of reliable air transport and continued insecurity may prevent your national Embassy in Kinshasa from being able to extend normal levels of consular assistance to you anywhere in DRC other than Kinshasa. The local authorities may impose curfews without warning. You should follow the directives of the local authorities at all times.


The border crossing between the DRC and Uganda at Bunagana remains closed due to military action in the area.


The DRC’s borders with Burundi and Angola can also be subject to closure at short notice. The Virunga National Park in North Kivu is currently closed for gorilla trekking, and armed groups are thought to be active within the park. The Nyiragongo volcano in Virunga National Park has also closed to tourists. The north eastern district of Ituri, near the frontier with Uganda, remains subject to inter-factional conflict despite the presence of the UN and the Congolese army. Following the unrest in the Central African Republic (CAR), there are reports that around 37,000 refugees from CAR have crossed the border into DRC and are now in the Gemena area in Equateur Province.


The Lord’s Resistance Army, a rebel group originating in northern Uganda, is currently operating in north eastern DRC.


Road travel


You will need an international driving permit to drive in DRC. Car hire is possible in Kinshasa although self-drive options are limited. Most car hire companies will only rent a car with a driver. Genvisec recommends a local driver at all times.


There is no reliable public transport. Over-crowded and poorly maintained vans serve as buses in Kinshasa. A few taxis are available from the large hotels, but these do not meet western safety standards. Outside Kinshasa and other main cities, most roads are barely drivable even with a 4x4, especially during the rainy season (September to May).


Be aware of vehicle theft and car-jacking. Lock vehicle doors and keep windows closed when driving and watch out for armed gangs who may target your car. Don’t drive off the main routes or park in unsupervised areas.


DRC’s security forces operate roadblocks, particularly after dark. If you are asked to produce documents for inspection at a check point, remain in your vehicle and show them through closed windows.


Rail travel


The railways are in a dilapidated state. You should avoid rail travel.


Air travel


All air carriers certified in the DRC are banned from operating within the EU due to safety concerns. You should avoid flying on these airlines. On 4 March a CAA aircraft crashed in Goma killing several passengers.


There is a departure tax of $50 per passenger on international flights and $10 per passenger on domestic flights. These are official fees paid when checking in.


River travel


The ferry service between Kinshasa and Brazzaville is operating, but is subject to cancellation at little notice. The ferry stops running in late afternoon, and there is no service on Sundays.


Be aware that boats and ferries serving the rivers and lakes are poorly maintained and often overloaded. Strong currents, shifting sandbanks and poor maintenance have led to accidents.


Political situation


There is a risk of political demonstrations, which can turn violent. On 24 May, a small demonstration in Bukavu turned violent resulting in several hours of unrest and looting. On 18 July 2013, large scale demonstrations took place in Goma. You should monitor local and international media for information about planned demonstrations or any other events which may affect the local security situation The BBC world service broadcasts on 92.6 FM in Kinshasa and 92 FM in Kisangani and Lubumbashi. Radio Okapi broadcasts in French on 103.5 FM. You should avoid all demonstrations.


A heavy United Nations peace keeping presence is deployed in eastern DRC. Since April 2009, the Congolese army has been carrying out operations against foreign and armed groups operating in North and South Kivu province. Large numbers of civilians remain displaced as a result of the conflict. Acts of violence, including killing, rape and looting continue against the civilian population.


Insecurity in eastern DRC has allowed other armed groups in the area to operate more freely. There has been an increase in rebel group activity in Orientale, Katanga and both Kivus.



Contact your doctor around 8 weeks before your trip to check whether you need any vaccinations or other preventive measures. 


If you become ill during or immediately after travelling to the Democratic Republic of Congo, seek medical advice immediately. Medical care in the DRC is extremely limited. The Centre Prive d’Urgence (CPU) clinic in Kinshasa is able to cope with basic health problems and to stabilise a patient after most serious accidents. Outside Kinshasa, western standard medical facilities are almost non-existent. Medical evacuation to South Africa (or elsewhere) is often necessary. Make sure you have adequate travel health insurance and accessible funds to cover the cost of any medical treatment abroad and repatriation; this should specifically include the very high costs of evacuation by air ambulance. If you take medication regularly, bring in a properly-marked supply, sufficient for the time you will be in DRC, with you.


In 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) there were confirmed cases of Ebola haemorrhagic fever, mainly in Orientale Province, north east DRC. In 2012, African Sleeping Sickness (Trypanosomiasis) was reported in the Haute-Uele district of North Eastern DRC.


In the 2012 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic the UNAIDS/WHO Working Group estimated that around 390,000 adults aged 15 or over in DRC were living with HIV; the prevalence percentage was estimated at around 1.1 of the adult population compared to the prevalence percentage in adults in the UK of around 0.25%. You should exercise normal precautions to avoid exposure to HIV and AIDS.


Plague is endemic in North Eastern Province Orientale.




Some credit cards are accepted in Kinshasa. The local currency is the Congolese Franc but US Dollars are widely used. US Dollars should be in good condition and issued after 2001 or they will not be accepted or changed at banks. There are a number of ATMs that dispense US dollars in Kinshasa; take normal security precautions when withdrawing money. Western Union and other money transfer agencies are present in most main towns. Make sure you have arrangements in place before leaving your home country to have funds sent to you in case of emergency.


Local laws and customs


Avoid taking photographs in public places (particularly of borders or military installations). You risk being arrested and detained. Journalists should not conduct interviews or film without the necessary local permits.




Mount Nyiragongo volcano is still active and local authorities, the UN and local NGOs continue to monitor its activity.




Earthquakes occasionally occur in DRC. The last occurred in Eastern DRC in 2009 and measured approximately 5.0 on the Richter scale. To learn more about what to do before, during and after an earthquake, see the Genvisec advice page.


Passport validity


Your passport should be valid for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of entry into DRC.


A Rwandan or Ugandan immigration stamp in your passport should not prevent you from entering the DRC, but you may still experience difficulties on arrival if you do have them.


You should consider getting a residents visa if you are planning to stay in the DRC for a considerable period of time.


Satellite phones, GPS receivers or Military clothing


You may have difficulties at immigration if you are travelling with satellite phones, GPS receivers or military clothing.  


Yellow fever


Yellow fever vaccination is required for travellers arriving from all countries and you will be asked to produce one on arrival.


Consular Assistance


British Citizens


British Embassy Kinshasa

83, Avenue Roi Baudoin



Democratic Republic of Congo





Telephone +243 81 556 6200



Fax +243 81 346 4291



Monday to Thursday: 6:30 am to 3 pm and Friday: 6:30 am to 1 pm


Local Time

Monday to Thursday: 7:30 am to 4 pm and Friday: 7:30 am to 2 pm


Out of hours: Embassy answer machine gives a contact number.


US Citizens


American Embassy, Kinshasa

310, Avenue des Aviateurs

Kinshasa, Gombe

République Démocratique du Congo


Telephone and E-mail:

Embassy Switchboard: 081 556-0151

Fax: (243) 81 55 60 175

NOTE: When dialing from the United States dial 011.243.81 + number




 Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  or call at 081-884-4609, Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.    After hours  081-556-0151


Canadian Citizens


Street Address

The Embassy of Canada

17, Pumbu Avenue

Gombe Commune


Democratic Republic of Congo


Postal Address

The Embassy of Canada

P.O. Box 8341

Kinshasa 1, Democratic Republic of Congo


Telephone: (243) 99 60 21 500

Fax: (243) 99 60 21 510 or (243) 99 60 21 511



Hours of Operation


Monday to Thursday: 07:30 – 12:30 and 13:30 – 16:00

Friday: 07:30 – 13:00


Norwegian Citizens


The Norwegian Honorary Consulate in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo


 Honorary General Consul Hanne Dokolo

Consulat de la Norvege

4955 Avenue de la Gombe, 

Kinshasa, R.D Congo


Phonenumber:(+243) 999 931 639/ (+243) 999 980 052

E-mail: or



Please note the Kingdom of Belgium represents Norway in visa matters in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.


Swedish Citizens

Swedish Embassy

93, avenue Roi Baudouin 



Postal Address

Ambassade de Suède 

B.P. 11096 


République Démocratique du Congo


Tél, fax, courriel:

Tél: +243 99 930 11 02



Danish Citizens


Currently Denmark does not have an Embassy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Denmark's Ambassador to DR Congo is René Dinesen, Pretoria, South Africa. 

Danes who acutely needs assistance in DR Congo can contact the 24/7 emergency centre at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Copenhagen. Call +45 3392 1112 or email


French Citizens


French Embassy in Kinshasa, Congo (Democratic Republic)


Adresse : 1, avenue du Colonel Mondjiba, Kinshasa

Téléphone : (00) 243.815.559.999

En cas d’urgence : (00) 243.818.843.129

Head of Mission: Mr Luc Hallade, Ambassador

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