Protecting People and Profit

Overall country Risk Rating:
BBB - Stable state, there is a medium HSE risk. Worksite risk is deemed to be medium. The number of road traffic accidents is above the european average, background risk of crime and drug related violence. Corruption risk is medium.The country scores 85/175 on the corruption perceptions index with a score of -0.23 on corruption control.(Point estimates range from -2.5 to 2.5. Higher values correspond to better governance outcomes)
Genvisec advises that all business and leisure travel should continue to Peru. Higher risk visitors may require specific security advice
Avoid travel to:
Isolated areas in the Southern Highlands including San Martin, Huanuco, Pasco, Junin, Ucayali, Huancavelica, Ayacucho and Apurimac, may still harbour members of the Shining Path terrorist movement. You should exercise vigilance in these areas.
We strongly advise you not to travel within 20 kilometres of the border with Colombia due to narcotic trafficking and occasional incursions of armed guerrilla forces from Colombia into Peru’s remote areas.
We advise you to reconsider your need to travel within 20 kilometres of the border with Ecuador in the regions of Loreto, Amazonas (Cordillera del Condor) and Cajamarca, as landmines, in the process of being removed, still pose a security threat. Crossing the Peru-Ecuador border should be done at official checkpoints only.
Drug trafficking is a serious crime in Peru and drug smugglers face long prison sentences.
Street crime, including muggings and thefts, is a significant problem in Lima, Cusco, Arequipa and other major cities. Be vigilant in public places and when withdrawing cash from ATMs. Avoid walking alone in quiet areas or at night.
There have been a number of cases of rape, mostly in the Cusco and Arequipa areas. Be alert to the use of ‘date rape’ and other drugs. Buy your own drinks and keep sight of them at all times. If you’re in a bar and don’t feel well, try to seek help from people you know. Unscrupulous tour agents have targeted lone young female travellers in the Cusco area. Bogus taxi drivers have also targeted groups with young female foreign travellers in the route Huanchaco-Trujillo in Northern Peru. Criminals have targeted tourists and local people in the San Blas neighbourhood in Cusco including incidents of violent robberies and rapes.
Tourists have been targeted and robbed by bogus taxi drivers. Use a taxi registered at the bus terminal or book one from a reputable company. If you hail a taxi on the street make a note of the registration number before getting in. Be wary of taxi drivers offering cheaper than normal fares, which is often a lure for a robbery. If you have luggage, don’t take a station wagon cab where your luggage can be seen. It attracts robbers who use mobile phones to advise accomplices to hold up the cab. Never leave your luggage in the cab with the driver behind the wheel.
Provincial and Inter-city buses are sometimes held up and the passengers robbed. Passport theft is also common on inter-city buses. Keep your passport with you at all times during your bus journey and take particular care of valuables if you travel on a bus at night.
Be particularly careful when arriving at Lima’s Jorge Chavez International Airport. Bogus taxi drivers and thieves pretending to be tour operators sometimes approach arriving passengers. If you take a taxi, use one of the three official companies located at desks directly outside the arrival halls. Further details are on the Lima Airport Partner website. When you travel back to the airport, book transport form a reputable company. Don’t use a street taxi.
Local travel
Local protests sometimes disrupt road, rail and air travel. Protests in Puno can result in the closure of the border crossing with Bolivia. Seek local advice before you set off.
The website of the Peruvian Ministry of Tourism has useful information for tourists and visitors in English, and the local tourist Information and Assistance service - telephone +51 1 574 8000 (24 hours a day) can handle enquiries in English. On the Ministry of Tourism website you will also find information about the government offices that help tourists around the country. The Tourist Protection Network has launched a new 24/7 free line to contact the Tourist Police on 0800 22221. They can handle enquiries in English.
Drugs, organised crime and terrorism are inextricably linked. There is a higher risk to your safety in regions where there is intensive coca cultivation and processing, including the Alto Huallaga, Aguaytia, Apurimac-Ene and Mantaro (VRAEM) river basins. Activity by the “Shining Path” terrorist group has been reported along the trekking route to Espiritu Pampa in Cusco region. Seek local advice about dangerous areas.
A state of emergency gives the armed forces responsibility for law and order alongside the police. Some civil rights are suspended. If you do decide to visit any area under a state of emergency you should follow instructions given to you by military, police or other officials.
A state of emergency for security reasons is in force in the following areas: Huanta and La Mar provinces in the Department of Ayacucho; Kimbiri, Pichari and Vilcabamba districts in La Convencion province in the Department of Cusco (Cusco city and Machu Picchu are not affected); Tayacaja province in the Department of Huancavelica; Satipo province, Andamarca and Comas districts, (Concepcion province) and Santo Domingo de Acobamba and Pariahuanca districts (Huancayo province) in the Department of Junin; the districts of Cholon in Maranon province, the province of Leoncio Prado and the district of Monzon in the province of Huamalies, all in the department of Huanuco; the province of Tocache in the department of San Martin; and the province of Padre Abad in the department of Ucayali.
Huaraz Region of the Cordillera Blanca Mountains
Several hikers have died and others have had to be rescued after serious accidents in the Huaraz region of the Cordillera Blanca Mountains, where Peru’s highest peaks are located. Most rescues are carried out on foot because helicopters can’t fly to the areas where hikers are stranded. Contact iperu offices in Huaraz (telephone: +51 (43) 428812) before you set off.
Inca trail
If you’re hiking on the Inca Trail go with a guided group. To protect the trail there is a government fee and restrictions on numbers. During the high season (June–August) you should make reservations with a travel agency well in advance. Always register when entering national parks and be particularly careful in steep or slippery areas which are unfenced or unmarked. Several climbers have died or suffered serious injuries after falling while climbing Huayna Picchu, a peak near Machu Picchu. Only very basic medical assistance is available at Machu Picchu.
Lake Titicaca
Travel in groups when walking along the banks of Lake Titicaca. There have been incidents of armed robberies against travellers walking on their own. Take care at all times and contact the local tourist information centre for advice about known safe zones. Local authorities advise against travelling alone at night in the Desaguadero area on the Peru-Bolivia border at the southern end of Lake Titicaca.
Nazca Lines
There are serious risks involved in flying over the Nazca Lines. There have been a number of fatal accidents and emergencies particularly involving planes operating from the Maria Reiche airport. Subsequent investigations showed that aircraft safety and maintenance standards were not being implemented. Though some improvements to operating practices have been made, problems continue to be reported.
Spiritual cleansing
Shamans and other individuals offer ‘spiritual cleansing’ to tourists, especially in the Amazon area and Cusco. This service is not regulated and there have been serious illness and deaths following such ceremonies.
Sand buggies
There have been deaths and injuries involving recreational sand buggies, particularly in the sand dunes around Ica and Lake Huacachina. These buggies are unregulated and the drivers and agencies take no responsibility for the welfare of passengers.
River rafting and boating
Check that the company you use is well established and make sure your insurance covers you for all the activities you want to undertake. The weather can impact on white-water rafting and boating conditions.
Road travel
You can drive for up to 6 months using a UK driving licence and up to 1 year with an International Driving Permit. Carry your passport with you at all times when driving.
Take particular care if you are driving close to places where protests are taking place. Don’t attempt to pass blockades.
Driving standards in Peru are poor. Stop signs and traffic lights are often ignored. Fatal crashes occur frequently. Drivers don’t always show concern for pedestrians.
Bus crashes are common, especially at night. Only use reputable transport companies, and where possible avoid overnight travel, especially in mountainous and remote regions. Cruz del Sur, Ormeno and Oltursa bus companies operate with two crews, but accidents still occur. Always wear a seat belt.
The Peruvian Ministry of Transportation publishes a list in Spanish of the intercity bus companies with the highest rate of traffic accidents resulting in fatalities and serious injuries.
Local laws and customs
Many foreign nationals are currently in prison in Peru for drugs offences. Drug smugglers face long terms of imprisonment and conditions in Peruvian prisons are unpleasant. Pack your luggage yourself and keep it with you at all times. Don’t carry anything through customs for anybody else. Don’t take coca leaves or coca tea out of the country. It’s illegal to import these items into Europe.
Sex with minors (anyone under 18 is considered a minor in Peru) is illegal. Offenders will face long term jail sentences.
You are not allowed to take any archaeological artefacts from the country without the proper authority.
The sale of souvenirs made with any animal parts, including condor feathers, is illegal. These feathers are often sold in tourist markets in Cusco.
You should carry identification with you at all times. You can carry a photocopy of the relevant pages of your passport and keep the original document in a safe place.
Homosexuality is legal in Peru but social attitudes are generally conservative. Any outward display of homosexual behaviour is likely to be frowned upon. Same-sex partnerships are not formally recognised.
You should avoid taking photographs of anything of a military nature.
When using an ATM, try to do so during business hours inside a bank, supermarket or large commercial building. Be particularly vigilant before and after using an ATM on the street, especially at night. Some ATMs don’t automatically release your card when you receive your money. You may have to push a button to release your card.
Not all shops, restaurants, bars and hotels accept credit cards and it is worth checking whether they do before ordering anything. Keep credit and debit card receipts.
Western Union is represented in Peru, with bureaux in all main cities. If you need more cash this is a quick, reliable way of receiving money from abroad.
Be alert to the possibility of being passed counterfeit US dollars or local currency, especially from street money changers.
Yellow fever is endemic in certain areas. Diarrhoea caused by contaminated food or water is common and is potentially serious.
Medical treatment can be expensive and is not always available in some parts of the country. Make sure you have adequate travel health insurance and accessible funds to cover the cost of any medical treatment abroad and repatriation.
Parts of Peru (including Cusco, Puno and the Colca Canyon) are at high altitude.
If you need emergency medical assistance during your trip, dial one of the following numbers: 225 4040 (Lima - Alerta Med); 467 4861 (Lima - Clave 5); 241 1911(Lima - Plan Vital) and ask for an ambulance. You should contact your insurance/medical assistance company promptly if you are referred to a medical facility for treatment.
There is a general threat from terrorism. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by foreigners.
The internal terrorism of the 1980s and 1990s has largely ended, but remnants of the Shining Path terrorist movement are still active in some of the main coca growing areas in central Peru (Alto Huallaga, Aguaytia and Apurimac-Ene VRAE river basins).
Natural disasters
Peru is in an active earthquake zone and there are frequent tremors. If in a building when an earthquake strikes keep away from the windows and make your way to the safe zones marked in most buildings with an ‘S’ sign. If you are outside keep away from buildings and other areas where objects, like trees or power lines, could fall.
Tsunamis and High tides
Although tsunamis are rare in Peru higher tides are often experienced either after an earthquake or for other reasons throughout the year.
Flooding and landslides
The rainy season in Peru runs from November to April. It can rain heavily in the Andes. During the rainy season land, rock and mudslides can cause disruption to road and rail travel as well as to walking routes in mountain and jungle areas. These normally include Cusco, the routes to Machu Picchu, the route to Manu (in Cusco and Madre de Dios) and the north of Peru. River levels are also higher. Take care when travelling in these areas during the rainy season and check the latest conditions with your tour operator. Monitor local media for updates on travel information before starting your journey.
The Peruvian authorities have confirmed they will accept British passports extended by 12 months by British Embassies and Consulates under additional measures put in place in mid-2014.
EU nationals don’t need a visa to travel if the purpose of the visit is tourism. On arrival, you are normally given permission to stay for up to 6 months.
If you are travelling for any other purpose, check entry clearance requirements with the Peruvian Consulate in your home country.
Business visitors entering Peru on a business visa will need to complete a form from the Peruvian tax authority SUNAT on departure. You can get this form from the Peruvian Consulate in London before travelling, or at Lima airport on arrival. Your passport must contain an entry stamp otherwise you will be refused permission to leave. Double check the period of time you have been granted. If you overstay, you can be held in detention until a fine is paid. Keep the immigration paper given to you on arrival in a safe place, as you will need to show this on departure.
If you enter Peru overland from Ecuador, make sure your passport is stamped with a Peruvian entry stamp at the local immigration office. Most people crossing the border with Ecuador enter Peru through Aguas Verdes (Tumbes region) - you may need to ask for directions to the immigration office.
If you enter Peru from Bolivia by bus or taxi, make sure your passport is stamped with a Peruvian entry stamp at the immigration office in Desaguadero or Copacabana (Puno region).
Immigration authorities may also not let you leave Peru without a valid exit stamp from the last country you visited.
If you enter Peru without an entry stamp then you’re required by law to apply for an expulsion order at the Immigration Office in Lima in order to be able to leave the country. This process takes weeks and an expulsion order will ban you from returning to Peru. In the past the immigration authorities had the discretion to allow foreigners to return to the border to obtain a Peruvian entry stamp or to provide an entry stamp at the Immigration Office in Lima. However, a recent tightening of the law may make this less likely in future.
Foreign Embassies can’t intervene in immigration issues. Make sure you get your entry stamp when you arrive in Peru.
Passport validity
Your passport should be valid for the proposed duration of your stay. No additional period of validity beyond this is required.
The Peruvian authorities have confirmed they will accept British passports extended by 12 months by British Embassies and Consulates under additional measures put in place in mid-2014.
Emergency Travel Documents
Emergency Travel Documents (ETDs) are accepted for entry, airside transit and exit from Peru. Your ETD should be valid for the proposed duration of your stay. No additional period of validity beyond this is required.
Foreign nationals have experienced problems when trying to enter the country with more than one laptop. You should familiarise yourself with Peruvian immigration or customs procedures before you enter the country. For further details contact the Peruvian Consulate in London.
If you are returning to the UK via Europe, be aware that the customs authorities in European airports frequently confiscate duty free alcohol and other liquids purchased at the duty free shops in Lima airport from passengers in transit.
Travelling with children
Children under the age of 18 years travelling on a foreign passport who have resident status in Peru need written permission (Autorización de Viaje Notarial) from the non accompanying parent(s) to leave the country. This permission is obtained by a notary public in Peru. The letter must mention the proposed destination, the purpose of the trip, the date of departure and the return date. If unable to obtain a notarial permission, the child will need a judicial written permission (Autorización de Viaje Judicial) issued by a judge. Children who have tourist status do not need these permissions, however, the Immigration Officer is free to request them in circumstances considered suspicious by the Immigration Authorities.