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Overall country Risk Rating: 


AA - Stable state, there is a low HSE risk. Worksite risk is deemed to be low. The number of road traffic accidents is above the european average. The country scores 67/175 on the corruption perceptions index with a score of 1.53 on corruption control.(Point estimates range from -2.5 to 2.5. Higher values correspond to better governance outcomes).

Genvisec advises that all travel can continue to Kuwait.




Violent crime against foreigners is rare. However, you should take care if you intend to travel in conservative areas like Jahra, where there have been incidents involving firearms, and Jleeb As Shuyoukh where there have been riots by migrant workers protesting about their conditions.


Local travel


You should only use authorised road border crossing points into Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Any other unauthorised movement near borders is illegal and dangerous. Armed guards patrol border areas. If you plan to cross the border from Kuwait into Iraq, make sure you have the correct paperwork. This is not advisable without correct security precautions see our Iraq page.


Landmines and other hazardous ordnance are still present in Kuwait. You should avoid off-road driving. If you do travel off-road, restrict your movements to clearly identifiable tracks, and take great care even if an area has been officially cleared. Don’t pick up any strange metal, plastic or other objects lying around or hunt for war memorabilia.  


Road travel


If you have a visit visa you can drive in Kuwait using an International Driving Permit or a valid EU licence. EU licences must be validated in Kuwait before driving. This service is normally provided by the car hire firm or insurance company. Third party insurance is compulsory.


If you’re applying to live in Kuwait, you won’t be able to drive unless you have a Kuwaiti driving licence. In this case, you should apply for a Kuwaiti driving licence when you receive your residency permit. You should confirm eligibility requirements for a Kuwaiti driving licence with the nearest Kuwaiti Embassy before you arrive


Driving is hazardous. Many drivers pay little attention to other road users; drive in excess of speed limits, switch lanes without warning, ignore traffic lights and use mobile phones while driving. If you have an accident you must stay with the vehicle and not attempt to move it. Call the police on 112. It is an offence to leave the scene of an accident before the police arrive.


Avoid hailing a taxi from the road, particularly if you are female. There have been a few incidents of passengers being harassed. Book a taxi in advance by telephone from a known and reputable taxi company.


Sea travel


Many areas of the Gulf are highly sensitive, including near maritime boundaries and the islands of Bubiyan and Warbah in the northern Gulf and Abu Musa, and the Tunbs in the southern Gulf. The area in the northern Gulf, between Iran, Iraq and Kuwait has not been demarcated and vessels entering these areas have been detained and inspected. There have been occasional arrests. Make careful enquiries before entering these waters or visiting ports.


You should also remain alert to the effect any regional tensions may have on your route. Vessels operating in the Gulf of Oman, North Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden and Bab El Mandeb regions may be under an increased risk of maritime attack.


Take care when travelling by Dhow, as the safety of these vessels may not be up to EU standards. Make sure life jackets are available.


Political situation


Demonstrations take place occasionally in Kuwait and are normally peaceful. Protests have been less frequent since early 2014. The most recent protests took place in central Kuwait City on 2 and 6 July 2014. There were reports that tear gas and sound grenades were used to disperse demonstrators. Rioting is uncommon. The most recent small scale localised rioting was in the Sabah Al-Nasser, Riggae and Subahiya areas between 3 and 6 July 2014. You should maintain a high level of security awareness and avoid all demonstrations.   


Local laws and customs

Kuwait is a Muslim country. You should respect local traditions, customs, laws and religions at all times and be aware of your actions to ensure that they do not offend other cultures or religious beliefs, especially during the holy month of Ramadan or if you intend to visit religious areas.


In 2015, the holy month of Ramadan is expected to start on 18 June and finish on 18 July. 


In public, you should dress and behave modestly. Women wearing shorts or tight-fitting clothes, in particular in downtown areas, are likely to attract unwelcome attention.


Carry your passport or a Kuwait civil identification card at all times.


Importing narcotics, alcohol, pork products and obscene material is forbidden and can lead to imprisonment.


Possession and abuse of drugs can lead to a prison sentence of between 5 and 10 years, and a heavy fine. Bail is not usually given and even if found not guilty you can expect to spend several months in detention while the case progresses through the judicial system. Penalties for drug trafficking include the death sentence.


Drunken behaviour in public or driving under the influence of alcohol is punishable by a fine or imprisonment, and/or deportation and the withdrawal of your driving licence.


Entry to and photography near government, military and industrial and other restricted areas (e.g. near borders and oil fields) is forbidden.


Bouncing cheques is illegal and the law does not provide for offenders to be released from custody on bail. Post-dated cheques can be banked immediately.


Homosexual behaviour and any public displays of affection between men and women are illegal.


Co-habiting of unmarried partners in Kuwait is illegal. If you wish to live with your partner in the same house, you need to be married.


If you are involved in a commercial dispute with a Kuwaiti company or individual, you may be prevented from leaving the country pending resolution of the dispute.



There are plenty of ATMs and credit cards are accepted almost everywhere




There is a state medical service with local clinics and several good hospitals. There are also private medical and dental facilities. Fees are controlled by the state and are expensive. Make sure you have adequate travel health insurance and accessible funds to cover the cost of any medical treatment abroad and repatriation.


If you need emergency medical assistance during your trip, dial 112 and ask for an ambulance. You should contact your insurance/medical assistance company promptly if you are referred to a medical facility for treatment.



There is a general threat from terrorism. Attacks can’t be ruled out and could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by foreigners. Attacks could be directed against foreign interests.


Terrorists continue to issue statements threatening to carry out attacks in the Gulf region. These include references to attacks on Western interests, including residential compounds, military, oil, transport and aviation interests.




EU nationals travelling by air can get a free 30-day entry permit/tourist visa or a 90-day visit/business visa on arrival in Kuwait for a fee. For further information contact the Kuwait Embassy in  your home country.


On arrival in Kuwait, the immigration authorities may ask to see evidence of return or onward travel, a sponsor’s letter and hotel confirmation.


If you are arriving by land or sea, you should obtain visas in advance from the Kuwaiti Embassy in your home country.


Passport validity


Your passport should be valid for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of entry into Kuwait.


The Kuwaiti authorities have confirmed they will accept British passports extended by 12 months by British Embassies and Consulates under additional measures put in place in mid-2014.


Emergency Travel Documents


Emergency Travel Documents (ETDs) are not valid for entry into Kuwait. However, ETDs are accepted for exit from Kuwait.


Previous travel to Israel


If you have an Israeli stamp in your passport you may be refused a visa and/or entry into Kuwait.


Applying to work or live in Kuwait


For work or residency visas apply to the Kuwaiti Embassy in London.


If you intend to use documents like academic records, marriage certificates, or your driving licence in your application, you should have all such documents authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country in which they were awarded. The same procedure is necessary for children’s birth certificates.


Try not to let your employers retain your passport. If they do, make sure you keep a copy.



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