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Pitcairn Island

Overall country Risk Rating: 


AAA- Stable regulated state, there is a low HSE risk. Worksite risk is deemed to be low. Corruption risk is low. HSE risk is medium due to the lack of air transport to the island and limited infrastructure.

Genvisec advises that all business and leisure travel should continue to the Pitcairn Islands. Those who are likely to need access to immediate medical care should avoid travel to the Island due to its limited transport infrastructure.


Safety and security




Levels of crime against visitors are very low.


Road travel


There is only one proper road on Pitcairn. Transport around the island is by quad bike or on foot. All quad bikes are privately owned and therefore most visitors travel on foot. Longer-term visitors who propose using a quad bike are required to pass a driving test before a licence will be issued. 


Sea travel  


Transfer to and from the island is by boat only and can be dangerous in poor weather.


Local laws and customs


It is illegal to import alcohol without a licence. It is also illegal to drink alcohol in a public place. The main religion on Pitcairn is Seventh Day Adventism. Sabbath is observed on Saturday. The import of plant and animal products is strictly controlled and visitors should contact the Pitcairn Islands Office in Auckland for advice before travelling. 



Pitcairn has a medical clinic and a resident doctor, but you should note that medical facilities are limited. The nearest hospital facilities are in French Polynesia or New Zealand, at least four days sail away. Make sure you have adequate travel health insurance and accessible funds to cover the cost of any medical treatment abroad and 





If you are an adult wishing to stay on Pitcairn for under two weeks you do not require a visa or licence prior to arrival. The Immigration Officer assesses applications for short-term visitors to Pitcairn upon arrival. If you wish to stay on Pitcairn for two weeks or more you must contact the Pitcairn Island Office in Auckland before making any plans to travel.  Without a valid “licence to land and reside”, access to Pitcairn will not be granted.


Passport validity


You must hold a valid passport to enter Pitcairn. Your passport must be valid for the proposed duration of your stay. No additional period of validity beyond this is required. 


Yellow fever


Yellow fever vaccination is required for travellers arriving from countries with risk of yellow fever transmission.


Travelling with children


Visitors wishing to travel to Pitcairn with children under 16 years must contact the Pitcairn Island Office before making any plans to travel. An entry clearance application will need to be completed for any child wishing to visit the island.

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