Protecting People and Profit

Latest advice, 25 Jan 2016
Guatemala is experiencing ongoing transmission of the mosquito-borne Zika virus. All travellers should protect themselves from mosquito bites. Given possible transmission of the disease to unborn babies, and taking a very cautious approach, pregnant women should consider postponing travel to Guatemala or talk to their doctor about implications
Overall country Risk Rating:
BBB - A regulated state with medium corruption and a medium frequency of crime risk against foreigners. The terrorism risk is low. The workplace HSE risk is medium.The country scored 123/177 on the corruption perception index, with a score of -0.534 on corruption control.(Point estimates range from -2.5 to 2.5. Higher values correspond to better governance outcomes)
Genvisec advises that travel to Guatemala can continue with appropriate security advice.
Guatemala has one of the highest violent crime rates in Latin America; there were over 6,000 violent deaths in 2013. Although the majority of serious crime involves local gangs, incidents are usually indiscriminate and can occur in tourist areas. Despite the high levels of crime most visits to Guatemala are trouble-free and unaffected by crime.
Car-jacking and armed hold-ups are increasingly common on the main road ‘Carretera Salvador’ leading from Guatemala City to the border with El Salvador. The crossroads at Fraijanes, San Jose Pinula and Las Luces are also focal points for express kidnappings. These and sexual assault can take place anywhere and at any time of the day. Attacks usually involve firearms and motorcycle riders. There is a low arrest and conviction rate. Victims have been killed and injured resisting attack.
No parts of Guatemala City are free from crime; this includes Zone 10 (Zona Viva) - popular with tourists and foreign residents. Take care in Zone 1 (historical centre) where the cheaper hotels are situated and several bus routes terminate.
For shorter trips within towns and cities the safest option is to take a radio or hotel taxis. When arriving at the airport you can buy pre-paid taxi vouchers from the INGUAT Tourist Office in the arrivals terminal.
Take care around ATM machines, petrol station forecourts, the airport, bus stations and shopping centres. Check ATMs for evidence of tampering, but be aware that affected machines may not be easy to spot. It is safer to change money in hotels, at banks or at foreign exchange offices. Don’t withdraw too much money at once, and avoid withdrawing money at night.
Avoid displaying valuable items like laptops, cameras and mobile phones. Don’t wear jewellery and only carry minimal amounts of cash. Use a hotel safe if possible.
Avoid travelling around on your own or at night, especially at border crossings or areas where there are few other people around. When travelling to remote areas it may be safer to travel with others or take part in a tour with a reputable company.
Be wary of bogus police officers. There have been reports of visitors becoming victims of theft, extortion or sexual assault by people dressed in police uniforms.
Foreign visitors and residents can be targeted by scam artists. The scams come in many forms, and can pose great financial loss. Be cautious if you are asked to transfer funds to family or friends in Guatemala. Try and get in contact with your family member or friend to check that they have made this request.
Local travel
You can get up-to-date security information through INGUAT (service available in English), the Guatemalan Tourist Institute. INGUAT’s tourist assistance service, PROATUR offer an escort service for tourists groups or individuals travelling locally in the region. You can contact them on (502) 2421 2810 and (502) 5578 9836. You may also dial 1500 in Guatemala.
There have been armed attacks on tourists travelling by road to/from major tourist sites like Antigua, Tikal, Peten and Lake Atitlan. Boat services between the towns and the lakeshore may be a safer alternative.
PROATUR issues advice on which routes to take when travelling in and around Solola, Panajachel and Lake Atitlan. Avoid the Godinez by-pass via Patzun between Guatemala City and Panajachel. Use the Pan American Highway to Solola instead. You should also avoid the road between Cocales (Suchitepequez) and San Lucas Toliman (Atitlan) if possible.
Border areas
Pay particular attention to your security in the border areas with Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Belize. It is often better to cross borders in the morning as they often close in the early evening and you will have time to reach your destination before dark.
Take particular care in the Belize/Guatemala border area because of the ongoing dispute between the two countries. Only use the officially recognised border crossings.
Road travel
Much of the country remains affected by damage caused by heavy rains. Many parts of the country have experienced landslides and flooding, which have destroyed many roads and bridges. Disruptions to road travel are likely, including on main routes to the Pacific Coast, Izabal and the El Salvador and Mexico borders.
You can use your driving licence to drive in Guatemala for visits under 3 months, but an International Driving Permit is recommended. Driving standards are variable. You should drive carefully and expect the unexpected. Adequate car insurance is essential. If you are involved in an accident, contact the National Police by calling 120 or the fire brigade by dialling 122 or 123 and wait for them to arrive.
It is generally safer to travel on main roads. There is a greater risk of attack on quieter routes. Travel in convoy if possible. In more isolated locations, roads are unpaved and you may need a four-wheel drive vehicle.
It is illegal in the Department of Guatemala to have more than 1 person riding a motorcycle. Motorcyclists throughout the country must wear a black vest and helmet with the registration number. Those violating the law face a fine of Q1,000 (around £80).
Public buses and coach services
For security reasons you should avoid travel on public buses (repainted US School buses). There has been an increase in armed attacks by local gangs on bus drivers and conductors, often resulting in serious injury or death. Since July 2010 these attacks have included the use of explosives. There have been reports of violent muggings, including rape and assault against foreigners on these buses.
Private inter-city coach services are generally safer, but have been attacked during daylight hours on well-used, main roads.
Guatemala City Council no longer allows some inter-city buses to enter the city centre. Passengers are dropped at various points on the outskirts.
Political situation
Incidents of political violence, strikes and large demonstrations can occur, often with little or no notice. Although most demonstrations are peaceful, they can turn violent. You should avoid all demonstrations. The use of roadblocks and blocking public facilities, including the international airport, has increased.
Local laws and customs
There are severe penalties for drug trafficking (10-20 years) and drug use (8-15 years). Guatemalan prisons are overcrowded, violent and unclean.
Don’t take photographs without permission, especially of children. This is particularly important in more remote areas such as Quiche, Peten, San Marcos and Chiquimula provinces. There have been lynchings related to accusations and fears of child kidnapping for adoption or theft of vital organs. Foreigners have been caught up in the violence. You may be asked to pay a small amount of money to take photographs of both children and adults.
In Guatemala City, local people are largely tolerant of different lifestyles and small displays of affection between same sex couples are accepted. Outside Guatemala City attitudes are more conservative and same-sex couples should avoid public displays of affection.
In most parts of the country you can carry a photocopy of your passport for identification purposes. In San Pedro La Laguna, Sololá, local authorities may not accept a copy of your passport as identification, and may fine or detain you if you can’t produce your original passport or a certified copy when asked. You should ensure that your passport has sufficient validity and a plentiful supply of unused pages before you travel.
Guatemalan legislation prohibits political activities by foreigners. If you take part in demonstrations you may be detained and/or asked to leave the country.
Debit cards are sometimes rejected by ATMs. Credit cards and travellers’ cheques are more reliable. It is safer to change money in hotels, at banks or at foreign exchanges offices. Credit and debit cards have been cloned after being used in ATMs. Check ATMs for evidence of tampering, although affected machines may not be easy to spot.
If credit cards are lost or stolen there may be difficulties obtaining a replacement as the main international courier services are refusing to accept delivery to Guatemala
Hospitals in Guatemala are reluctant to give medical treatment unless they can be satisfied that you have medical insurance. It is therefore essential that you carry evidence of your insurance cover at all times. State-funded hospitals are on the whole under-staffed, under-funded, ill-equipped, and often unhygienic. Make sure you have adequate travel health insurance and accessible funds to cover the cost of any medical treatment abroad and repatriation.
Water isn’t generally safe to drink unless filtered, but bottled water is cheap and widely available.
Cases of Chikungunya virus have been reported in the Escuintla Department of Guatemala. You should take steps to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.
Dengue fever is common to Latin America and the Caribbean and can occur throughout the year.
The water in Lake Atitlan is not safe for drinking, or for swimming in certain areas. Check with local authorities before swimming in the lake, and seek medical advice if you fall ill during or immediately after a trip there.
In the 2013 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic the UNAIDS/WHO Working Group estimated that around 53,000 adults aged 15 or over in Guatemala were living with HIV; the prevalence was estimated at around 0.7% of the adult population compared to the prevalence percentage in adults in the UK of around 0.2%. Exercise precautions to avoid exposure to HIV and AIDS.
If you need emergency medical assistance during your trip, dial 122 and ask for an ambulance. You should contact your insurance/medical assistance company promptly if you are referred to a medical facility for treatment.
Rainy season/landslides
The rainy season in Guatemala normally runs from June to November, coinciding with the hurricane season in the Caribbean. You should monitor local and international weather updates from the World Meteorological Organisation and the National Hurricane Centre. For more general information see our Tropical Cyclones page.
Heavy rains cause frequent flooding, landslides and collapsed roads and bridges throughout the country monitor local media and consult your tour operator and PROATUR as travel routes are likely to face disruption.
Take care if you are near any active volcano. Monitor local media and seek advice from your tour operator in case of possible travel disruption.
Four of Guatemala’s volcanoes are currently active and the local authorities issue alerts in response to increased volcanic activity.
There have been several armed attacks on tourists climbing mountains. It is safer to go with others and hire a guide or take part in a tour with a reputable company. Contact the local tourist author PROATUR for the latest information. When climbing Fuego and Santiaguito, you should avoid the areas around the craters. You should avoid climbing volcanoes at night.
Take care when climbing the Tajumulco volcano. There have been incidents of unrest among local communities involved in land disputes. Contact PROATUR for the latest information before climbing the volcano.
For further information visit the websites of the Humanitarian Early Warning System - Volcanoes Watch and/or the Guatemalan disasters agency CONRED (in Spanish).
Guatemala is subject to frequent minor earth tremors and occasional earthquakes.
Make sure you know what action to take if an earthquake strikes. Read the hotel earthquake instructions. During an earthquake, you should drop to the ground and take cover under sturdy furniture, in a doorway or next to an inside wall, away from windows or objects which may fall. Cover your head with a pillow or your arms and wait for the earthquake to stop, before moving to a safe area outside.
To learn more about what to do before, during and after an earthquake, see the genvisec page.
European citizens don’t need a visa to visit Guatemala for up to 90 days. For further information on entry requirements for tourists and for those planning to work in Guatemala, contact the Guatemalan Embassy in your home country.
If you wish to extend your visa, you must submit an application to the Migration Directorate in Guatemala City. For further information, contact the General Directorate of Migration in Guatemala City.
If you overstay your visa then you should expect to pay a fine before leaving the country. This fine must be paid at the Migration Directorate in Guatemala City and can’t be paid at the airport.
Passport validity
Your passport should be valid for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of entry into Guatemala.
The Guatemalan authorities have confirmed they will accept British passports extended by 12 months by British Embassies and Consulates under additional measures put in place in mid-2014.
Yellow Fever
Yellow fever vaccination is required for travellers arriving from countries with risk of yellow fever transmission.
Emergency Travel Documents
Emergency Travel Documents (ETDs) are valid for entry into Guatemala. ETDs must have a minimum period of 6 months validity from the date you enter Guatemala
Central America Border Control Agreement
Guatemala is part of the Central America Border Control Agreement (CA-4). Under the terms of this agreement, British tourists can travel within any of the CA-4 countries (Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala) for a period of up to 90 days without completing entry and exit formalities at border immigration checkpoints. This period begins at the first point of entry of any of the CA-4 countries. Fines are applied for travellers who exceed this 90-day limit, although a request for an extension can be made for up to 30 days by paying a fee before the 90 days limit expires. If you are expelled from any of the four countries you are also excluded from the entire CA-4 region.
Departure tax
There is a US$30 (or Quetzal equivalent) airport departure tax, which is normally included in the price of the ticket.
When crossing into Guatemala by land border, there have been numerous reports of customs/immigration officials charging an “entry fee”. This is illegal. By asking for an official receipt for your money you may find that the “fee” is dropped
Consular assistance
UK Citizens
British Embassy
Edificio Torre Internacional,
Nivel 11, 16 Calle 0-55,
Zona 10 Guatemala City
Guatemala City
US citizens
The American Citizen Services Unit telephone number 2326-4000 (from within Guatemala) 011-502-2326-4000 (from the United States) is answered during normal business hours, except Guatemalan and U.S. federal holidays. Our fax number is 2331-3804 (from within Guatemala) 011-502-2331-3804 (from the United States).
Inquiries regarding American Citizen Services may be emailed to the office at AmCitsGuatemala@state.gov.
The Embassy is located at Avenida Reforma 7-01, Zona 10, Guatemala City, Guatemala. The American Citizen Services Unit in the Embassy is accessed through the door on 7th Calle.
For emergencies during normal business hours, please call:
2326-4000 (from within Guatemala)
011-502-2326-4000 (from the United States)
For emergencies when the American Citizen Services Unit is closed or after hours, please call:
2331-2354 (from within Guatemala)
011-502-2331-2354 (from the United States)
Canadian Citizens
Embassy of Canada
Street Address
13 Calle 8-44 Zone 10,
Edificio Edyma Plaza
Postal Address
Embassy of Canada
Apartado Postal 400,
Guatemala, C.A.
(502) 2363-4348
(502) 2365 1250 (Immigration)
(502) 2365 1210 (General)
(502) 2365 1211 (Political)
(502) 2365 1214 (Immigration)
(502) 2365 1215 (Trade)
General: gtmla@international.gc.ca
Visa requests: guatemala-im-enquiry@international.gc.ca
Hours of operation
Monday to Thursday: 08:00 - 12:30 and 13:30 - 17:00 (closed from 12:30 to 13:30)
Friday: 08:00 - 13:30 (Administration, Consular, Commercial, Political/Public Affairs and Development Assistance Programs)
Statutory Holidays - 2014
The offices are closed on the following days:
Holiday dates:
January 1 New Year's Day
February 1 7Family Day
April 17 Shrove Thursday
April 18 Good Friday
May 19 Victoria Day
July 1 Canada Day
August 4 Civic Holiday
September 15 Independence Day
October 13 Thanksgiving Day
December 25 Christmas
December 26 Boxing Day
Norwegian Citizens
Real Embajada de Noruega en Guatemala
Murano Center, nivel 15
14 calle 3-51, zona 10
Guatemala 01010, C.A.
Dirección Postal:
Real Embajada Noruega Guatemala
P.O. Box 176 "A"
01009 Guatemala
Teléfono: +502 2506 4000
Telefax: +502 2366 5823
Swedish Citizens
Sveriges ambassad i Guatemala.
För migrationsärenden, frågor om pass samt tidsbokning för passansökan. Måndag-fredag 08:00 - 9:00, telefonnummer: (502) 2384-7304.
Övriga frågor:
Måndag-torsdag 09:00 - 12:30 och 13:30-16:30, fredag 09:00-14:00, telefonnummer: (502) 2384-7300
I förekommande fall kan nödställda svenskar kontakta UD:s konsulära jour utanför kontorstid genom att ringa till ambassadens telefonväxel där ett nattmeddelande kommer att spelas upp: (502) 2384-7300, tryck då 0 för att komma till UD-jouren i Stockholm.
Frågor rörande rutinfall eller av icke-brådskande art, såsom t.ex när beslut i viseringsärenden kan förväntas eller frågor gällande vaccinationer, besvaras inte.
Avenida La Reforma 9-55, zona 10,
Edificio Reforma 10, Nivel 11
Guatemala city
Embajada de Suecia
Apartado Postal 966-A
Avenida La Reforma, zona 9
Ciudad de Guatemala 01009
Tel, fax, e-post:
Tel: +502 2384 7300
Fax: +502 2384 7350
E-post: ambassaden.guatemala@gov.se