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Protecting People and Profit

Latest advice, 25 Jan 2016

Haiti is experiencing ongoing transmission of the mosquito-borne Zika virus. All travellers should protect themselves from mosquito bites. Given possible transmission of the disease to unborn babies, and taking a very cautious approach, pregnant women should consider postponing travel to Haiti or talk to their doctor about implications.


Overall country Risk Rating: 


CC - A regulated state with medium corruption and a medium frequency of crime risk against foreigners. The terrorism risk is low. The workplace HSE risk is medium.The country scored 163/177 on the corruption perception index, with a score of -1.256 on corruption control.(Point estimates range from -2.5 to 2.5. Higher values correspond to better governance outcomes)


We advise against all but essential travel to the Carrefour, Cite Soleil, Martissant and Bel Air neighbourhoods in Port-au-Prince due to the risk of criminal activity.





Crime levels can be high and the general security situation is unpredictable. You should seek advice from local contacts or established organisations and make arrangements for your safety and security throughout your stay in Haiti. The presence of one or more travelling companions with reliable local knowledge can help deter any unwelcome attention and also provide support in an emergency. It is best to avoid travelling around Haiti alone.


Avoid displaying expensive items of jewellery or carrying large sums of money. Don’t leave property in vehicles and always travel with car doors locked and windows up. Park close to any venues you visit and where possible avoid leaving a venue alone. Avoid travelling at night. Extra care should be taken when visiting downtown Port au Prince.


There is a threat of kidnapping in Port-au-Prince (particularly in Petionville). Kidnappers target those who are perceived to be wealthy, and both Haitians and foreign nationals have been victims of kidnapping. Take particular care at cash points and do not withdraw large sums of money from banks. Robbery gangs, often on motorbikes, have been known to target people after withdrawals.


Security guards are recommended at residential properties.


Local travel


Genvisec advises against all but essential travel to the Carrefour, Cite Soleil, Martissany and Bel Air neighbourhoods of Port au Prince. If you visit low income or slum areas you may attract unwanted attention from people who assume you can help them. Avoid entering slum areas on foot if possible. If you do, take sensible precautions and go with someone who has local knowledge and can speak Kreyol.


Be vigilant when travelling around and take the following precautions:


always travel with a knowledgeable and reliable guide

avoid all public transport and only use rented cars with a local driver from a reliable agency (Avis, Budget, etc)

make sure you have all the supplies you might need for your stay; fuel, food and water shortages are likely

be aware that the security situation in Haiti can change at short notice


Road travel


Most main routes in and between towns and cities are in good or reasonable condition, but there are exceptions – especially in remote rural areas where some roads can only be travelled in 4x4 vehicles and with great care.


Drainage is poor and flooding is common after rainfall. Roads are often unlit and it is not uncommon after dark to encounter cars, trucks or motorcycles driving without lights. You should drive cautiously at all times. Research your journey carefully before you set out and have back up options if needed. A European driving licence is only valid for 3 months in Haiti. For longer stays, you should get an International Driving Permit.


It is possible to drive between the Dominican Republic and Haiti but be prepared for long queues at the four crossing points. Make sure you have all the correct vehicle documentation.


A luxury bus service operated by Caribe Tours normally runs daily between Santo Domingo and Petionville (not Port au Prince) and vice versa. It is comfortable and the journey takes about 6 hours.


Air travel


A list of recent incidents and accidents can be found on the genvisec web page.


In 2012 an audit by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) found that the level of implementation of the critical elements of safety oversight in Haiti was well below the global average. In light of the significant safety concerns identified by ICAO in respect of Haiti’s ability to provide oversight of its airlines, no Haitian airline is permitted to operate commercial services to/from the UK or its overseas territories.


Genvisec can offer advice on the safety of individual airlines, we publish a list of registered airlines that have been audited and found to meet a number of operational safety standards and recommended practices. 


Political situation


The security situation in Haiti can be volatile. A UN stabilisation force (MINUSTAH) has been deployed in Haiti since 2004.


Demonstrations and protest marches occasionally take place in Port-au-Prince and other cities, especially Cap Haitien and Les Cayes. They may occur with little warning and can turn violent. You should avoid all demonstrations.




Mobile telephones are widely used and roaming is available for some service providers (Digicel, Natcom). Signal reception varies but is generally acceptable around Port-au-Prince. You can buy local SIM cards and prepaid cards in the main towns.


Local laws and customs


Don’t become involved with illegal drugs of any kind. Pack all luggage yourself and don’t be tempted to carry items through customs for anyone else. If you are caught in possession of drugs or suspected of drug trafficking, you may be arrested and jailed for weeks or months before appearing before a magistrate. Prison conditions in Haiti are very poor.


You should always carry proof of your identity. Keep a copy of the photo page of your passport and relevant visa stamp separately in case your documents are stolen. Homosexuality is legal but the attitudes of many Haitians to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex people is hostile.




The currency of Haiti is the Gourde. You can exchange US dollars cash or travellers’ cheques for local currency in banks. Other foreign currencies may be exchanged at the discretion of the bank. Some hotels and shops accept payment in US dollars. Most credit cards can be used in major hotels, and in some shops and businesses in the capital. Don’t change money on the street.


Natural disasters


Emergency services are ill equipped to cope with a major disaster. Should a hurricane strike Haiti, basic services - transport and communications -could be severely disrupted.


Flash floods and landslides occur regularly.




The hurricane season runs from June to November. You should monitor local and international weather updates from the  National Hurricane Centre and follow the advice of local authorities.


See our Tropical Cyclones page for advice about what to do if you’re caught up in a storm.




An earthquake hit Haiti in 2010 causing mass casualties and extensive damage to infrastructure in the Port au Prince area. To learn more about what to do before, during and after an earthquake see the relevant Genvisec page.




European passport holders do not need a visa to visit Haiti for periods of up to 90 days. For further information contact the Haitian Embassy in Paris: Rue Théodule Ribot 10, 75827 Paris, France (telephone: +33 01 47634778) before you travel. You will be issued with a card on arrival at the airport, which you must keep and return to the immigration authorities on departure.


Passport validity


Your passport should be valid for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of entry into Haiti.


Yellow fever


Yellow Fever vaccination is required for travellers arriving from countries with risk of yellow fever transmission.


Departure tax


Tourists must pay a US $55 departure tax. For most international flights this is included in the price of the ticket but for flights to the Dominican Republic you will need to pay this amount in cash on departure. Make sure you have some spare US dollars and local currency on departure.


Previous travel to countries affected by Ebola


Entry restrictions may apply if you ordinarily live in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, or you have visited any of those countries in the previous 28 days. Check with the Haitian Embassy in Paris: Rue Théodule Ribot 10, 75827 Paris, France (telephone: +33 01 47634778) before you travel.



Contact your doctor around 8 weeks before your trip to check whether you need any vaccinations or other preventive measures. 


Dengue fever is endemic to Latin America and the Caribbean and can occur throughout the year. You should take appropriate precautions to avoid being bitten.


Cases of Chikungunya virus have been confirmed in Haiti and the number of reported cases in the region is increasing. You should take steps to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. 


Make sure you have adequate travel health insurance and accessible funds to cover the cost of any medical treatment abroad and repatriation.


Normal medical facilities are very limited and offer a poor standard of care. You should bring adequate supplies of essential medicines, especially for specific medical conditions like diabetes.


If you are bitten by an animal while in Haiti you should seek prompt medical advice.


In the 2012 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic the UNAIDS/WHO Working Group estimated that around 130,000 adults aged 15 or over in Haiti were living with HIV; the prevalence percentage was estimated at around 2.1% of the adult population compared to the prevalence percentage in adults in the UK of around 0.2%. You should exercise normal precautions to avoid exposure to HIV/AIDS.


If you need emergency medical assistance during your trip, dial 113 and ask for an ambulance. You should contact your insurance/medical assistance company promptly if you are referred to a medical facility for treatment.

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